QHA - Apollo Silicone towards the Central region
Faced with the complicated situation of floods in the Central region and seriously affecting the lives and activities of people, Quoc Huy Anh's agents and customers in the Central region were also significantly suffered difficulties in business and production activities.
Always empathizing, sharing, and connecting is the business philosophy and tradition of Quoc Huy Anh during the past 20 years. Therefore, we decided to support all damage to goods caused by floods to agents and customers of Apollo Silicone and PaperOne in the central region so that agents can rest assured and stay strong in the current disaster situation.
At the same time, understanding the difficulties of agents and customers in the context of the pandemic and natural disasters, Apollo Silicone launched a special program named "Bonding for Development", in which we provided a discount policy for Level 2 agents nationwide in the fourth quarter of 2020. We hoped this support made sense in stabilizing development and creating more efficient business.

Best regards!
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