
Apollo summer trip - The bonding reunion of loyal customers

It is known that Resort 5 star Evason Ana Mandara is one of the resorts located in the heart of Nha Trang with a prime location and high-end service. Apollo Silicone has thoughtfully served all loyal customers
It is known that Resort 5 star Evason Ana Mandara is one of the resorts located in the heart of Nha Trang with a prime location and high-end service. Apollo Silicone has thoughtfully served all loyal customers - special guests of Apollo Summer Trip in 3 days 16-17-18 April 2021.

Apollo summer trip - The bonding reunion of loyal customers of QHA

Apollo summer trip - The bonding reunion of loyal customers
Nha Trang Airport is brightly sunny in early summer to welcome the "whirlwind" Apollo Silicone.

Apollo summer trip - The bonding reunion of loyal customers

Apollo Silicone luggage has been prepared for customers during the trip.
Apollo summer trip - The bonding reunion of loyal customers

Friendly gesture of CEO Ngo Quoc Cuong when meeting  customers in Apollo Summer Trip - 2021
Apollo summer trip - The bonding reunion of loyal customers

Apollo summer trip - The bonding reunion of loyal customers

Apollo summer trip - The bonding reunion of loyal customers

Apollo Silicone's loyal customers enthusiastically responded to Team Building - bringing a spirit of engagement and sociability throughout the trip

It is rare to have the opportunity for Apollo Silicone agents in all three regions to come together and accompany us in our journey of connection. Along with the theme of JUBILANT VITALITY – CONSTANTLY ENGAGEMENT, we hope for high-end services from the most expensive locations in Nha Trang such as 5-star resort, Hon Tam and Sailing Club, etc. v will bring full satisfaction to Apollo Silicone's loyal customers.

Apollo summer trip - The bonding reunion of loyal customers of QHA

CEO Ngo Quoc Cuong and loyal customers of Apollo Silicone together opened the opening party for dinner at Sailing Club - Nha Trang

Apollo summer trip - The bonding reunion of loyal customers of QHA

With Apollo Silicone, customer conferences to meet partners and agents are always intimate meetings to share all difficulties in business, understand the market, create connections, understand each other between the corporations and customers directly to come up with appropriate new and flexible policies promptly in the mid of a volatile market.

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